Homemade Curly Noodle Soup (Ramen)
This is a complicated process, but delicious and worth it!
What goes in the bowl:
1. Cooked Noodles
2. Broth with Seaweed and Bok Choy
3. Chicken in Jeannette's Yakitori Sauce
4. Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs (Sliced and Fanned)
The tricky part is to get all this ready to go in the bowl at the same time. I recommend making the hard boiled eggs first, and setting aside (15-20 minutes).
Review and set out all the ingredients for "Jeannette's Yakitori Sauce for Chicken."
Additional items you need:
Somen Noodles
Dried Wakame Seaweed
Bok Choy
Chicken Bouillon
Set out your 3 pans: a large pot for boiling the somen, a medium pot for making the broth, and a non-stick skillet to make the Yakitori Chicken.
Fill the somen pot with water and turn up heat to medium/high.
Plan 1-2 cups bouillon per person, and measure water into medium pot and add bouillon cubes. Turn up broth pot to medium/high.
Begin making Yakitori Chicken (see recipe on other page).
As the broth pot begins to boil, stir the bouillon until fully dissolved. When fully dissolved, sprinkle a small amount (about a teaspoon per 2 cups of bouillon) of dried seaweed into pot. Chop bok choy into 1 inch strips and rinse if needed. When broth is at a boil, throw in the bok choy and reduce heat to simmer.
Continue cooking Yakitori Chicken. As that part of the recipe gets to the boil-down stage, begin peeling hard boiled eggs and setting aside in a bowl ready to slice and spread on soup.
By now, the somen pot should be boiling. Take a good look at where you stand. The somen cooks very quickly (3 minutes), so don't start them until everything else is basically done. When the chicken is nearly done, unwrap one packet of noodles for each person and put in the boiling water. Set a timer immediately for 3 minutes and make sure you have a strainer ready in the sink. When your timer goes off, immediately drain noodles into strainer. Do not rinse noodles.
Build each bowl of ramen in this order:
Add noodles to bowls (fill all the bowls and make sure they look about even)
Ladle broth over noodles, making sure to get some seaweed and some bok choy in each bowl
Slice hardboiled egg and fan out over the noodles
Add chicken
Serve and enjoy!!